Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Invincibility | 81086504 | 0101 | n/a | n/a |
Infinite Ammo All Guns | 50000610 800A90D7 | 0000 00FF | n/a | n/a |
Infinite Health | 81086502 | FFFF | n/a | n/a |
Access All Levels | 50000214 8008A816 8008A852 50000514 8008A8A2 50000214 8008A906 50000214 8008A956 50000228 8008A97E 8008A9CE 50000314 8008AA1E 8008AA96 50000414 8008AD7A | 0000 0001 0001 0000 0001 0010 0011 0030 0011 FFE0 0021 0001 0010 0001 0001 0000 0001 | n/a | n/a |
Freeze All Timers | 81093F90 81093F92 81093F94 | 0063 0063 0063 | n/a | n/a |
Walk Through Walls & Objects See Note 1 | (80094145) 94146 | 00?? 00 Off 80 On | 606534 | ? 1 Off 128 On |
Weapon Select See Option 1 & Note 2 | 800A90F5 800A9105 800A9115 | 00?? 00?? 00?? | n/a | n/a |
Note 1: This will allow you to pass through anything & even walk on water. if you a merge somewhere in the ground just press the A button.
Option 1:
00 9MM Hi Power,
01 Silenced Pistol,
02 Uzi,
03 Fists,
32 Gas Spray,
36 Blow Torch,
1F Fire Extinguisher,
24 Spray Paint,
27 Electrostunner,
0B Blow Dart Gun,
0C Dart Hand Gun,
2D Mini Rocket Launcher
Note 2: This could not be added to RetroArch as it needs Proper Option Support
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\Mupen64Plus-Next folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.