Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
99999 Red Target Score | 37F2 37F3 37F4 | 0099 0099 0099 | 14322 14323 14324 | 153 153 152 |
All Black Targets Got (On 1st Hit) | 37F1 | 0001 | 14321 | 99 |
Invincible | 35F8 | 0000 | 13816 | 0 |
Infinite Fuel | 35FA | 0000 | 13818 | 0 |
Infinite Rocket (Ammo) | 37E3 | 0000 | 14307 | 0 |
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\cap32 folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.
