Item & Stat Codes:
Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
God Mode (Invincible) (See Note 1) | 04DA6B | 0002 | 318059 | 2 |
Have 100% Kills (See Note 2) | 0552D3 | 0064 | 348883 | 100 |
Have 100% Items (See Note 2) | 0552D7 | 0064 | 348887 | 100 |
Have 100% Secrets (See Note 2) | 0552DB | 0064 | 348891 | 100 |
Have 1st Skull Key ( See Note 3) | 04DA0B | 0001 | 317963 | 1 |
Have 2nd Skull Key ( See Note 3) | 04DA03 | 0001 | 317955 | 1 |
Have 3rd Skull Key ( See Note 3) | 04DA07 | 0001 | 317959 | 1 |
- Note 1: God Mode gives you Invincibility from being harmed. You cannot die.
- Note 2: This displays at the end of each level completion.
- Note 3: The Skulls represent keys and allows access all areas.
Have Weapon Codes:
Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Chain Saw (See Note 4) | 04DA3F | 0001 | 318015 | 1 |
Slot 3: Shotgun | 04DA2B | 0001 | 317995 | 1 |
Slot 4: Chain Gun | 04DA2C | 0001 | 317996 | 1 |
Slot 5: Rocket Launcher | 04DA30 | 0001 | 318000 | 1 |
Slot 6: Plasma Rifle | 04DA34 | 0001 | 318004 | 1 |
Slot 7: BFG 9000s | 04DA38 | 0001 | 318008 | 1 |
- Note 4: This replaces Slot 1 Fist with the Chain Saw.
Infinite Weapon Codes:
Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Slot 2: Pistol | 04DA43 | 0064 | 3318019 | 100 |
Slot 3 & 4: Shot / Chaingun | 04DA47 | 0064 | 318023 | 100 |
Slot 5: Rocket Launcher | 04DA4F | 0064 | 318031 | 100 |
Slot 6 & 7: Plasma Rifle / BFG 9000s | 04DA4B | 0064 | 318027 | 100 |
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\Virtual Jaguar folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.