Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Have Bonus Mode and All Gold Cups | 50000402 80192B30 | 0000 00FF | n/a | n/a |
2 Player & Single Infinite Items (Player 1) (See Option 1) | (8016316D) 16316E (8016319A) 163199 | 00?? 00?? | 1454446 1454489 | ?? |
2 Player & Single Infinite Items (Player 2) (See Option 1) | (88016324D) 16324E (8016327A) 163279 | 00?? 00?? | 1454670 1454713 | ?? |
3-4 Player Mode Infinite Items (Player 1) (See Option 1) | (8016332D) 16332E (8016335A) 163359 | 00?? 00?? | 1454894 1454937 | ?? |
3-4 Player Mode Infinite Items (Player 2) (See Option 1) | (8016340D) 16340E (8016343A) 163439 | 00?? 00?? | 1455118 1455161 | ?? |
3-4 Player Mode Infinite Items (Player 3) (See Option 1) | (801634ED) 1634EE (8016351A) 163519 | 00?? 00?? | 1455342 1455385 | ?? |
3-4 Player Mode Infinite Items (Player 4) (See Option 1) | (801635CD) 1635CE (801635FA) 1635F9 | 00?? 00?? | 1455566 1455609 | ?? |
Battle Mode Infinite Balloons (Player 1) | 8018AAD0 | 0003 | n/a | n/a |
Battle Mode Infinite Balloons (Player 2) | 8018AAD2 | 0003 | n/a | n/a |
Battle Mode Infinite Balloons (Player 3) | 8018AAD4 | 0003 | n/a | n/a |
Battle Mode Infinite Balloons (Player 4) | 8018AAD6 | 0003 | n/a | n/a |
Option 1:
0D Double Mushroom
09 Fake Item Box
0B Ghost
0A Invincible Star
08 Lightning
01 Single Banana
03 Single Green Shell
0C Single Mushroom
05 Single Red Shell
0F Super Mushroom
04 Triple Green Shell
0E Triple Mushroom
06 Triple Red Shell
02 Banana Bunch
07 Blue Spiny Shell
Note 1: This is not fully added to RetroArch as it needs proper Option and Note Support.
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\Mupen64Plus-Next folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.
