Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Freeze Timer (Part 1) | 0424DD | 0074 | 271581 | 116 |
Freeze Timer (Part 2) | 0424F5 | 0080 | 271605 | 128 |
Freeze Timer (Part 3) | 042501 | 0090 | 271617 | 144 |
Player 1: Score 99 | 04383F | 0063 | 276543 | 99 |
Player 2/CPU: Score 0 | 043887 | 0000 | 276615 | 0 |
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\Virtual Jaguar folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.
