Cheat Name | Address Hex | Value Hex | Address Dec | Value Dec |
Infinite Health (Player 1) | 0F7807 | 00FF | 1013767 | 255 |
0 Health (Player 1) (See Note 2) | 0F7807 | 0000 | 1013767 | 0 |
Easy Win: Against P2/CPU (See Note 3) | 0F780B | 0000 | 1013767 | 0 |
Always start on Round 2 (1 Round Play) | 0F9A87 | 0001 | 1022599 | 1 |
- Note 1: Disable and use 0 Health if stuck on the edge.
- Note 2: Enable, go back to game, disable and once new round starts, Enable Infinite Health.
- Note 3: Enable, go back to game, disable, go back to game. Do this for each round.
All Cheats created by Gent over at Emucheats Discord
Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats\Virtual Jaguar folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.
